The ELT World guide to teaching English
Sunday September 2nd 2012

‘pedagogy’ Archives

What is a negotiated syllabus?

What is a negotiated syllabus?

The negotiated syllabus in ELT is a term which means that the content of a particular course is a matter of discussion and negotiation between teacher and student(s), according to the wishes and needs of the learner(s) in conjunction with the expertise, judgment and advice of the teacher. Like many issues in English Language Teaching, there is, [...]

Free downloadable chapters from the Macmillan Books for Teachers series

Free downloadable chapters from the Macmillan Books for Teachers series

These are free sample chapters from some great methodology books. Children Learning English Author: Jayne Moon Children Learning English reveals the special features of teaching foreign languages to young learners. It is an inspiring read and a useful practical guide in a single volume. Learning Teaching Author: Jim Scrivener The new, [...]

Learning EFL by Bengali Speaking Learners: Major Linguistic Problems and Possible Solutions

Learning EFL by Bengali Speaking Learners: Major Linguistic Problems and Possible Solutions

Introduction Foreign language learning occurs in the formal situation of a classroom, and the learner has hardly any access to the target language beyond the classroom door (Brown 2001). And in this formal situation, he/she receives instruction and practises in the items entirely related to the basic skills of the target language– listening, [...]

A Brief History of Second Language Acquisition

A Brief History of Second Language Acquisition

As the title suggests, this free to download PDF file offers a brief but informative description of the history of second language acquisition...