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Category The grapevine
Created 2009-04-16
Owner david
Description We are looking for a native English speaker, who would want to experience Russian culture and who is willing to teach kids English. 10-18 y.o. kids. We will pay for the air tickets, apartment, transportation and food expanses here. We are willing to pay some pocket money, which will be tax free for you. We will have to work aprox/ 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. On the weekend we will organaize a few trips so you could see Russia.
Location Russia, Ust-Labinsk City
Title Volunteer Teacher Needed in Krasnodar Region, Ust-Labinsk City, Russia
Contact If you are willing to do that, you will need to send your CV to this e-mail [email protected] or [email protected]

You will have to be in Russia before or on the last day of May 2009.
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