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Category The grapevine
Created 2009-04-13
Owner david
Description Instituto de Intercambios e Cultura Americana IICA - ETP/ESL

BRAZIL Cultural and racial diversity, food for all appetites, hospitable people and tons of natural beauty in a land full of incredible and diverse landscapes, colors, vibration and rithms, Brazil has it all. From mountains/rivers to amazing beaches, from frenetic big cities to a calm countryside, living in Brazil is a unique and unforgettable experience. The friendly people, the way of living, the food, the English students, all these will be kept in your memories forever…..

Now is your chance to live, explores, and gain professional and lifetime experiences in Brazil. IICA - organizes internships for graduated or non graduated individuals from USA/CANADA/UK and Australia interested in a teaching/learning educational program at one of its 298 partner centers nationwide. This is not a job offer and you should not come for economical reasons, but for a voluntary English teaching Program, to learn Portuguese and meet the Brazilian Culture in general by living with a screened Brazilian family as a member of it and also to strengthen the friendship between people from involved countries.

You may apply for 3, 6 or 12 months Program. Portuguese language skills are useful but not required. IICA will provide you the necessary paperwork for the required Temporary Visa Item I, so you may live, teach English while participate in the ETP/ESL Program and cooperate with your Host-School legally. You will have a free homestay and get a monthly allowance of R$ 760,00 for your personal stipends as a compensation for your help. Age limit that was 35 has been extended to 45 for this August intake. You are Welcome and have a lifetime experience with us.
Deadline for applications is May 15, and a free Handbook is available upon request through
Location Brazil
Title Fellow Teachers to Brazil
Contact E.Mails: [email protected] OR [email protected]
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